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Learning Difficulties  

A woman holding the hand of a child with a disability

People with learning difficulties are an extremely vulnerable group. WHC provide a service that encourages inclusion within the community.


We create person-centred plans, tailored to the individual’s needs. We have clients with a variety of learning difficulties including (but not limited to): Autism, Asperger’s, ADHD, Tourette’s, OCD and ODD.

Our training team are constantly evolving our programs to ensure all staff are Level 2 qualified in Learning Difficulties and Behavioural Support. Some of the services we offer are:

  • Day-to-day living support

  • Household tasks

  • Administration support e.g. arranging appointments, organising bills, responding to mail

  • Support in the community, including accompanying clients to meals, boxing matches, library visits, etc.

  • Advice on benefits

  • Promoting independence

  • Teaching coping mechanisms

  • Promoting self-care, hygiene and nutrition

Schedule an appointment today with our friendly team 

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