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End of Life Care 

An elderly woman lying on bed with her eyes closed, holding someone's hand

At WHC, we pride ourselves on our specialist area, End-of-Life Care. Passing away peacefully, with dignity in our home, surrounded by our loved ones is something most of us desire. End-of-life care allows you, or your loved one, to do this.

At WHC, we can provide a dedicated, bespoke service to you or your loved one within a few hours from referral. From referral we carry out an assessment to create a person-centred care plan including composition of a living will in communication with the family and the client. You will then be allocated a specialist end-of-life carer who will monitor the client’s status throughout and alert the Care Coordinator of any changes or concerns.

All of our end-of-life carers are DBS checked, specially trained and have attained an accredited Level 2 End-of-Life qualification. Furthermore, we have a core set staff to ensure continuity of care.

Our clients can be any age and therefore their requirements for end-of-life care are myriad. Some examples of the end-of-life package requirements that we have catered for include: spending time with family; going on day trips; walking the dog; making a memory box; pampering; making and taking clients to appointments; or even getting married.

Our service also includes supporting and caring for the family members affected, covering their needs as well as the client’s. Our aim is to make the experience as stress-free as possible for the client and their family. Consequently, good communication skills are paramount in this role.

All our staff are trained to test the client’s skin, monitoring input and output, and water low scoring. We will then contact nurses to relieve pressure. In addition, we can offer (but our services are not limited to):

  • Personal care

  • Catheter and stoma care

  • Oral hygiene

  • Eye care

  • Positional changes

  • Nutrition and hydration

  • Pain relief, which is given timely and recorded

  • Fill out body maps to identify areas on the body that may have deteriorated

  • Communicate and work in partnership with McMillan Nurses, District Nurses and GPs

  • Twilight service from 10.30-7am

Schedule an appointment today with our friendly team 

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